Required Documentation

Students wishing to register with the SAAC to receive reasonable accommodations should provide appropriate documentation from a regulated Quebec health care professional.  :

  • a physician (medical)
  • a psychologist or neuro-psychologist
  • a speech therapist
  • an optometrist
  • an audiologist
  • a guidance counsellor holding the appropriate training certificate issued by the professional order to which he or she belongs
  • a nurse with the experience and training required by the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec

Ideally, the document should contain a clearly stated diagnosis, as well as the name, signature and license number of the professional and the date of the evaluation.

ImportantIf no documentation is available or if the document does not clearly state a diagnosis, but you think you may qualify for accommodations, you should still complete our online pre-intake form in order to meet with one of our Adapted Services Counsellor.

Our Adapted Services Counsellors are unable to formally diagnose students.

Last Modified: September 19, 2023