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Implementing UDL-5 tips to remember

March 27th, 2018

A great graphic by McGill OSD of UDL tips. It’s simple, efficient, and useful when you want to remember steps to implement UDL in your classroom and be inclusive.   udl graphic-5 tips to remember-McGill’s OSD

Supporting Inclusion in Higher Education

March 16th, 2018

An inspiring post from an inspiring blog But is it rigorous ?

La CUA Ă  l’universitĂ© Laval

August 29th, 2017

Des vidĂ©os inspirantes, des tĂ©moignages de vrais professeurs qui appliquent la CUA au quotidien ! En Soins infirmiers, en Physique, en Histoire, en Français, en MĂ©decine… «Repenser son cours selon une approche inclusive, c’est diversifier ses mĂ©thodes d’enseignement et d’apprentissage, varier ses stratĂ©gies d’évaluation, revisiter son site de cours ou adapter son enseignement, tout en…

Read Full Text: The AHEAD Journal

The AHEAD Journal

May 30th, 2017

AHEAD Journal has resourceful articles on UDL and inclusive education.

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Last Modified: March 27, 2018


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